Download Free English Version Book :- A Warning for INDIAN Bachelors

We create awareness among citizens; About Corruption,injustice,harassment, Gender biased laws,elder abuse and human rights.

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Some Interesting Stats On Arrests Of Women In 1930, the British govt arrested 17,000 women for their involvement in the Dandi Yatra (Salt March). During 1937 to 1947 (10 Years), they arrested 5,000 women involved in the freedom struggle. From 2004 to 2006, the govt of India arrested 90,000 women of all ages under 498A. On the average, 27,000 women per year are being arrested under this flawed law. These are stats from the NCRB.

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Wednesday, 23 January 2013

A Warning for Indian Bachelors


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Download Hindi Version Book :- A Warning For Indian Bachelors अ वार्निंग फॉर इंडियन बचेलोर्स 

A Warning for Indian Bachelors

Essential reading for men planning to get married in India.

Beware of the legal havoc that your wife can unleash on you and your innocent family members.

Protect yourself and your family from years of imprisonment, harassment, blackmail, extortion and false litigation by an unscrupulous Indian wife and her family.

Last updated: Oct 02, 2012

A Warning For Indian Bachelors

Table of Contents

Table of  Contents ... 2

1) Introduction ... 3

2) Who are we?... 3

3) Current Indian Laws regarding Marriage ...4

4. Warning Signs of an Abusive Personality and Future 498A girl/family ...4

5. Precautions... 5

5.1) Preliminary precautions...5

5.2) During courtship...6

5.3) During Marriage Ceremonies...8

5.4) After Marriage...8

6) Miscellaneous... 9

7) Frequently Asked Questions...9

8) Helplines and websites for men in distress...12

9) What can I do?... 12

10. Addendum... 12

10.1) IPC 498A... 13

10.2) Dowry Prohibition Act...13

10.3) IPC 406... 13

10.3a) Istreedhan... 14

10.4) DV Act... 14

10.5) Maintenance for wife under CrPC 125 / HMA 24 / Sec 22 DV...15

10.6) Alimony... 15

10.7) Adultery... 15

10.8) Child custody and visitation...15

10.9) Upcoming gender-biased laws...16

10.9a) Salary to wife... 16

10.9b) IrBM (Irretrievable breakdown of marriage)...16

A Warning For Indian Bachelors

1) Introduction

Dear Eligible Bachelor,

So you are thinking of getting married? Congratulations! But before you start on this wonderful new journey, please be aware of some Indian marriage laws that could easily destroy your life, sanity, reputation and assets if you marry the wrong woman.

You will be surprised to learn that in the year 2011 alone, as many as 1,39,403 men(husbands/ husband’s father/ brothers /male relatives) and 41,298 women (husband’smother/ sisters/ female relatives) were arrested under such cruel laws.

Understandably, in 2011 itself 62,433 Indian husbands committed suicide (i.e. a suicide every 9 minutes) because of legal pressures and harassment unleashed on them by their wives and in-laws. With thousands of cases (498A) happening per year, this is a social time-bomb! Please note that these laws are applicable only if you marry a girl from India, because no other country approves of such ridiculously one-sided and gender biased laws.

We know, you are probably thinking that this will never happen to you. Well, we sincerely hope so too. But please do yourself a favor and read on, because this knowledge could prove to be a life-saver in case your wife turns out to be different from what she currently seems to be. We are not trying to scare you off from marrying your loved one, but just informing you of the true and bitter experiences of millions of Indian men like us who ended up being jailed, harassed, blackmailed and extorted by their unscrupulous wives and in-laws.

2) Who are we?

“We are the ones who got hit. Now we are trying to save you”.

We are a group of voluntary activists who have so far saved thousands of innocent husbands and their families from going to jail (if they contacted us before it was too late). We offer help free of cost and our members meet on weekly basis in their respective cities across India and abroad to provide support to victims. We guide them how to defend themselves legally and make their opposition run for their money. We also try our best to warn potential victims (like you) and we join our hands to oppose more such upcoming gender-biased laws that are currently being drafted.

Our average age is 30, and most of us are well qualified engineers, doctors, and MBAs from prestigious institutions in India and abroad. We were doing very well in our careers before we found ourselves dragged into false cases that were fabricated by our wives and in-laws. We all have either faced/are facing/or are about to face such falseaccusations based on misuse of Indian women-oriented laws. Many of us and our family members were forced into jails for no fault of ours. While suffering due to such inhuman laws ourselves, we realized the importance of timely and accurate information, which we are now spreading through this document. Even if you never face the same

A Warning For Indian Bachelors

nightmare as we did, pass this information on to someone who might be harassed and victimized by his wife and in-laws.

3) Current Indian Laws regarding Marriage

The current legal system in regards to marriage laws is highly anti-male. There are more than a dozen anti-male, inhuman and unconstitutional gender-biased laws which openly flout principles of natural justice, and many more such laws are coming up (see addendum for details). These laws are spoiling the marriage system and divorce rate is on the rise. Once you are trapped, it is next to impossible to escape the nexus of feminist-lawyers-judges-government. You may need anywhere between 5 to 10 years to prove your innocence.

Note: Because of rising awareness about misuse of women-oriented laws, more and more men are refusing to get married to a girl/in a family where false 498A cases were previously filed. We have found that such girls are generally doomed to a terrible life once they start false litigations against their husbands and in-laws. It is very difficult for them to find their next victim when they get tagged as “498A” women. They then realize that they will likely live alone for the rest of their lives, and therefore, they drag cases in courts against their former husbands to extort as much money as possible. If you are the one being trapped as their next victim (husband), then please watch out. It is a well known fact that 498A women are like leeches who will eventually suck the blood of the very man who has fed her, loved her and taken care of her!

There are various laws that are being misused by women against husbands you need to be aware of. These are discussed more in detail in the Addendum, at the end of this document.

4. Warning Signs of an Abusive Personality and Future 498A girl/family

If your girlfriend/fiancé or her family is displaying a combination of these behaviors, then you might be dealing with a potential 498A abuser.

1. Her family: Is newly-rich, likes to show-off their house/cars/paintings/relatives/ connections. They are related to politicians/bureaucrats/lawyers/judges/police officers. They may be living beyond their means. They may have a history of filing cases against anybody and everybody (search the website of the courts in their state of residence). They may beat up their employees. Women in their family may have been in more than one previous relationship.

2. Commitment Pusher: She comes on very strong, claiming, "I've/we’ve never felt loved like this by anyone/or so close to anybody." An abusive girl/her family will put pressure on you/your family for an exclusive commitment almost immediately.

3. Jealous: Excessively possessive; calls constantly or visits unexpectedly; smells your jacket for perfume residue; checks your shirt collar for lipstick marks; and goes through your pockets secretly.

A Warning For Indian Bachelors

4. Control freak: Interrogates you intensely (especially if you're late) about whom you talked to and where you were; wants her name on all your assets and controls all the money. Checks your laptop/mobile for possible clues all the time.

5. Unrealistic: Expects you to be the perfect man and meet her and her family's every need, however unrealistic.

6. Divider & Ruler: Tries to cut you off from family and friends; accuses your well- wishers of "causing trouble”.

7. Attention seeker: These girls are always needy and seeking attention. They would never allow you to mix socially, especially with the opposite sex, even if she is your cousin.

8. Blame-gamer: Boss/employee/ex-boyfriend/ex-husband - it's always someone else's fault if anything goes wrong in her life.

9. Holds everyone else responsible for her own feelings: She will say "You make me angry” instead of "I am angry” or, "You're hurting me by not doing what I tell you." You would almost never hear her say "You make me happy".

10. Hypersensitive: Is easily insulted; claims that her feelings are hurt when she is really mad. She'll rant about how unjust people are to her even if they are quite fair.

11. Unbalanced rigid society roles: Expects you to serve and obey her/her family but would never follow societal expectations of a woman.

12. Sudden mood swings: Switches from sweetly loving to explosively violent in a matter of minutes or, even worse, seconds. You’ll feel you are walking on "eggshells" all the time.

13. Threatening: Makes statements like, "My parents will support me even if I murder someone," or "A woman is always right/the system should always believe the woman," or "I will cut you up the way a fisherman slices a fish," and then dismisses her own threats with, "Oh, everybody talks that way," or "I didn't really mean it." If things have come this far, it is high time you get help and get out before it is too late!

5. Precautions

There is NO sure shot formula to completely avoid being hit by false cases based on gender-biased laws. So instead of telling you “don’t marry at all”, we have compiled some practical tips that you can use to protect yourself. If the girl you are planning to marry sounds like the one described below, PLEASE STOP before it’s too late. Save yourself and your family. There are millions of good girls out there. Continue your search for another partner, you will surely find your soul mate.

5.1) Preliminary precautions

DO NOT marry in a family in which the girl, sister or even a cousin ever filed a 498A case. Our experience indicates that families in which women previously filed false dowry cases will file it in future as well. We strongly recommend to completely boycott girls and families that have filed false 498A cases.

DO conduct a background check of her family and verify that they don’t have a criminal background/court cases/unlawful businesses, especially if the girl is from another city. Use a detective if you can afford one. This may sound like wastage but is worth it.

A Warning For Indian Bachelors

If this is her second marriage, then be even more cautious. Often such girls have harassed their previous husbands with such laws and possibly extorted large sums of money from them. Check her divorce papers; seek information using RTI (Right to Information Act of 2005) from her local police station or court. Divorce papers not only mean “Divorce decree”. Please don’t forget to see MOU(Memorandum of Understanding) attached with it.

Try to investigate if the girl’s family has a pattern of quick divorces. If so, you might just be a link in a long series of men that this family plans to extort one after another.

If you believe in astrology, get an expert to do the match-making of not only “gun- milaan” but also complete “Kundli milaan”.

5.2) During courtship

Be wary of the personality signs described in the section 4“Warning Signs of an abusive personality and future 498A girl/family”.

Be cautious, if she and her parents are living beyond their means and like to flaunt their designer shoes, clothes, cars etc. Research and see if they have gone under a huge amount of debt just to pretend to be “rich and famous”.

Often 498A families have political connections and would use such connections to abuse the laws and threaten husbands for money. Check if they talk about such connections or boast about them.

If the girl or her parents casually talk about police, courts, laws, litigation etc, then be very cautious.

Often the mother of such girls dominates the father; and sisters of such girls dominate their husbands. You should be able to spot this.

Her parents might pretend to be very religious, honest and hardworking before the marriage and slowly you might start to realize that they actually speak in a very foul-mouthed manner amongst themselves. This is a clear sign of a two- faced family that you are marrying into.

If the girl you are about to get married to speaks in a very formal and submissive manner to you, but speaks in a totally different tone with her other family members or friends, then treat this as a warning sign.

Often such girls are insecure and start feeling jealous very easily. You should be able to spot this. Try complimenting an actress on her beauty/figure or even acting skills, you might get to see a glimpse of what lies ahead of you.

A Warning For Indian Bachelors

Often such girls suffer from various mental health disorders. Common ones are Bipolar Affective disorder (also known as Manic Depressive disorder), Borderline Personality Disorder, Depression, Anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Check her medicines and medical records for the diagnosis.

Often such girls are vindictive and revengeful. Ask her the worst that she has done to someone to teach him/her a lesson. This will give you an indication of how inhuman she can be when push comes to shove.

The girl might often tell you during the courtship period that she has a terrible temper whenever she sees any injustice. This may sound reasonable and cute initially, but treat this as a warning sign because after marriage, anything that does not go according to her wishes might be interpreted as a terrible injustice in her mind.

Often such girls have mastered the art of lying. They have plenty of men wanting them and they expertly exploit others with their sweet talk. Check how many male and female friends they have and what do their friends say about her (especially other girls).

During the courtship period, if the girl NEVER talks about her family members and quickly changes the subject if you happen to ask, then do not ignore this warning. That family might have a past that they do not wish to divulge.

During the courtship period, she might tell you that she is not ambitious and would just like to stay at home and take care of you and your family. But as your marriage gets closer her ambitions will shift and you will be expected to fulfill her wishes to study abroad, find her a job with excellent package etc. None of these things are wrong by themselves, but be wary of a girl who becomes ambitious in substantial increments as the relationship progresses.

If the girl asks you questions in passing about “who owns this house” and “in whose name is that car”, then be wary if such questions exceed a reasonable limit. Listen to your gut feeling. Don’t disregard your instincts – your instincts are there to protect you.

If the girl’s family suddenly shifts to another city or changes their family business
immediately before the wedding, then treat that as a warning sign.

If the girl’s family starts asking you for business favors, loans and investment in their schemes even before the wedding, tread cautiously.

Often such girls or their family would ask you for your salary slip and/or property documents before marriage which should have no bearing on your marriage. Alarm bells should start ringing in your head if they ask you for any of these. These are later used by such girls and their families in court to extract huge
amounts of money off you.

A Warning For Indian Bachelors

5.3) During Marriage Ceremonies

If her parents insist on a lavish wedding DESPITE you pressing for a simple wedding, then this might be a trap. Please do not put yourself or your parents at risk.

DO prepare a list of all gifts given or taken during marriage. Get it signed by the bride as well as the bridegroom, along with two witnesses.

Her parents might behave questionably during the wedding. For example, if they are video recording every little detail, exchange of gifts etc; they might be preparing to file a false dowry case on you later on. Be extra cautious if this is the second marriage of the girl.

If your in-laws are gifting or paying for expenses through cheques/drafts, take this as a sure shot sign. They will use these to file false cases of dowry harassment.

Groom’s side also spends extensively but often does not keep records of purchasing expensive clothes, accessories, celebration expenses etc. DO keep all VAT paid bills.

Always keep the bills of gold and other jewelry that you purchase for her.

5.4) After Marriage

If possible, DO NOT buy any property on your name till the time you are sure that you have married the right person. It might take a few years to be certain, but it is better to be safe than to be sorry for the rest of your life.

DO NOT disclose your bank account/email passwords to her, not at least for the first few years into marriage.

Get your marriage registered in SDM office and mention on affidavit (from both sides) that “No dowry were exchanged before/during and after marriage”. Keep the copy of affidavit with you.

Do keep all record of money spent on honeymoon, clothing, household expenses, fine dining, medical bills etc (as girls later claim that they were deprived of all this in their matrimonial homes).

Keep regular snaps and videos of good times when you go out to celebrate, dine, watch movies, socialize and travel with your wife. These will serve as proofs in your favor if she decides to file false case of cruelty against you later. She might claim that she was never allowed to go out of the house, was beaten daily, and was never allowed to meet people, spend any money, or do anything besides household chores like a slave.

A Warning For Indian Bachelors

6) Miscellaneous

In the addendum section below, you will come of know of some laws that she and her family members can misuse to harass you to death. There were cases where even the husband’s 92 year old grandmother and 6 year old nephew were arrested under false cases! You will need to keep going to courts since the gender biased laws make the State fight against you, and the State has no problem dragging the matter for decades. It’s a business for everyone - Police, Judicial system, the girl and her family – they will make loads of money off of you. If your in-laws have a malicious bent of mind and God forbid if your wife happens to meet with an accident or unnatural death within 7 years from the date of marriage, chances are that this event will be termed as a “dowry-death” and you will surely have a very hard time proving yourself and your family innocent. Bail is also not easy in such laws and the burden to prove yourself innocent lies on you. Girl or her family doesn’t have to substantiate their accusations with proof to make your life a living hell.

7) Frequently Asked Questions

If I shout at my wife in self-defense, can she file a case against me?
She could file a case against you claiming that you have harassed and tortured her with
domestic abuse. She may wish to add the ‘498A’ section along. Don’t ever shout at her, even in self-defense.

If I am slapped and kicked by my wife, even if it is unprovoked, can I charge her under Domestic Violence act?
Kindly accept our apologies to break this news to you. You are a man. This act is created for women only, you have no such rights. You can’t even shout back, let alone hit!

Can I have a prenuptial agreement that will save me from future problems?
Prenuptial agreements are not valid in India, hence will be of no use.

How much financial loss will I suffer if things don’t work out between me and my wife?
There is no certain way of telling. Given the current climate, you may end up losing at least half of all your assets, irrespective of the duration of your marriage.

Is there absolutely no way I can protect myself/ my parents if things go wrong in future?
Although there is no 100% way to be completely safe, you can safeguard yourself and your parents by learning from this document, and attending local meetings of the support group as soon as possible for further detailed suggestions.

My sister wants to get married to a guy whose sister has filed a 498A case.
Should she?
Please protect your sister from this family. This guy may be absolutely fine, but a woman who has filed a 498A is likely to be vindictive and nasty. Please do not risk your sister’s life by marrying her in that family. A 498A woman is the most discontented

A Warning For Indian Bachelors

woman you can find, so keep your sister away from such a woman. Also, it is possible that her brother might have himself provoked her to lodge the previous false complaints.
He might cause trouble for your sister in future too. We strongly advise to stay away
from 498A families.

Can you provide me with a good lawyer at later stage, if required?
We do not advertise or suggest any lawyers or law agencies. The same lawyer could turn out to be good for one and bad for another. But we can suggest that you get advice from a criminal lawyer and not civil or family lawyer.

Is there any punishment for a woman if she files false cases?
NO, there is absolutely no punishment for her even if she is proved to have filed a false case.

My marriage is more than seven years old. I have heard that dowry complaint can only be filed within seven years. Can she still file the same?
Yes, very much. Seven years restriction is not applicable to 498A.

Is it a good idea to employ a detective to gather background information on the girl?
Money spent before difficulties arise is always better. We do not advertise any detectives; however you may be inclined to use someone who has already been successfully used by one of the volunteers before.

If my wife troubles me in future, she is the one who will suffer the most, isn’t it?
It’s hard to predict and measure suffering. But an easy way to understand this is by considering suicide rates. Twice as many married men commit suicides than married women. Think about it.

Well, my mother and sister are also women; they will have the same rights as my wife. They can use their rights and powers against my wife if required?
Yes and No. Unfortunately, the laws and ministries in India are made to support wives
rather than women per se. Your mother and sister can support you and help you save your family, but your wife will always have more legal and political power than them.
The Indian legal machinery works to protect the interest of one woman (wife) while denying the basic human rights to three or four other women of your family (mother, sisters, sister-in-laws). This is how the Indian gender-based laws work, sadly.

I am not sure if you are telling the truth here or just trying to spread mass psychosis?
We are a social activist group. We give our time and efforts to help people like you and
those who are already trapped. We suggest that you go on the internet and search for ‘498A’, ‘Legal terrorism’ and ‘misuse of gender biased laws’. Then you can decide yourself how you wish to plan your life ahead.

A Warning For Indian Bachelors

What if one of my friends is married to someone who has a family member who filed a 498A in the past?
If you are a good friend, you can do two things. Advise him to contact us immediately
and secondly pray for him. An apology for the comparison drawn here, but a 498A woman is like a rabid animal - if you are bitten, the chances of your survival are almost nil, unless you immediately seek medical attention. This answer comes from a doctor who has experienced a 498A woman.

I am in Love with this girl and I want to marry her despite knowing that her sister filed a 498A on her previous husband. What should I do?
Love is a beautiful feeling and we respect and appreciate that. End of the day, it is your
choice if you wish to take the risk or not. We would suggest a few things as mentioned in this document to safeguard yourself and your elderly parents who deserve a peaceful retirement after having worked hard all their lives to support you and your sibling(s).

Although, we strongly advise you NOT to get married in a 498A family.

Let’s say I ignore this warning document and get married. Would you decline to help me if I came to seek your help in future?
We are a social activist group, and provide free support irrespective of caste, creed and
religion. We would not decline any support to you but would rather feel even sorrier for you. Almost everyone who comes to us has already committed that mistake in naivety.

You may wish to learn from your own mistakes or the mistakes of others. The choice is

If I don't get married and stay in a live-in relationship, how safe will I be?
Apart from the dowry law (498A), she can still file Domestic Violence, maintenance and rape charges against you if things don’t go her way. So be careful.

I am not a Hindu; all these gender biased laws are against Hindus. Am I right?
Just as terrorism doesn’t look at religion; 498A too doesn’t have any restriction on the
basis of religion. We have activists and victims from all religions.

I am a rich guy. I don’t need money or dowry from anyone. I am sure if my wife complains, the Police and Judiciary will be able to see through her trap. Isn’t it?
You are right; they are likely to see through the trap. Most police officers and judges
know about the laws being misused. But the Police officers want to extract money out of
you and the judges don’t want to go against the feminists. You will have to be dragged into the courtroom and maybe into jail till you prove your innocence.

I am a poor guy. The girl I am marrying is rich. Can she ask for maintenance and alimony if we were to go separate ways?
Yes she can. It does not matter if her financial status is higher than yours. Remember, it is a one way traffic. Money always flows from Man to woman in the Indian legal system.

A Warning For Indian Bachelors

Well I have read the law. It says giving and receiving dowry both are offences.
So if my wife's family claims that I received dowry, then they are also committing an offence. Would they not be equally guilty and hence be punished?
Yes and No. Yes they are guilty as per the law, but they will not be punished. Even if
you complain to the Police that your in-laws are giving you dowry against your wishes, they will not be punished. Such is the law unfortunately and hence men suffer. This is exactly the kind of injustice that we fight against.
P.S: If in doubt about any of these FAQ’s, you may wish to visit your local Police station and check informally about these laws, or you may visit the local family court or even a simple Google search might be sufficient. Better still; visit us during our weekly meetings where we help victims of such misuse. Prevention is always better than cure.

8) Helplines and websites for men in distress

Please don’t hesitate to contact any one from your city in the list available on these websites. The longer you delay, the deeper you will sink, and the harder it will be for you
and your family to survive the trauma.
All help lines are managed by former victims themselves and they do not charge anything for advice. In case anyone asks you for any money, please bring this to our notice.

9) What can I do?

Depending on your current situation, there is a lot you can do:
• You should stop judging other men negatively as soon as a woman complains against them.
• You should question social constructs which force men to earn manhood or suffer abuse because it is considered unmanly to raise voice against such abuse.
• You should challenge all forms of anti-male attitudes, laws and media content.
• You should be aware of such incidents in your area and support the family against these biased laws.
• You should stop believing that Girls/Women are always right and men are always wrong.
• You must join a Men’s organization locally and fight against misuse of such gender
biased laws especially if you have suffered because of these. If there is no such local organization, then start one yourself and others would join.

10. Addendum

Please read about the various laws that are being misused by women to harass husbands and
their families. This is only an overview of the laws. You may wish to gather detailed information from us or from your family lawyer.

A Warning For Indian Bachelors

10.1) IPC 498A
You might be amazed to learn about the amount of legal ammunition that the Indian government provides to a wife under section IPC 498A. Imagine if you have a small disagreement with your wife and she (through her own will or instigated by someone in her family) decides to teach you a lesson and writes a short letter to the police station saying that you are being cruel to her and harassing her for dowry. She might choose to be creative and cook up imaginary incidents of cruelty to herself. Suddenly, you will find yourself (and your parents, siblings, their spouses and even distant relatives) in jail! Your jail sentence
might be extended up to three years. You might have to pay crores of Rupees and all your assets to get out of that nightmare. Once you are in that web, you are at the mercy of your wife and in-laws and might have to bow to their unreasonable demands.

Honorable Supreme Court of India has termed 498a as "Legal terrorism" but the law continues to be misused.

498A is the most dangerous criminal provision across the globe in matrimonial disputes. As long as you keep following your wife’s orders like a lamb, all will be fine, but if you dare to disobey her (including her demand to dump your own parents and start supportingher parents instead) you/your parents/ relatives/ friends everybody will be booked under IPC 498A. It is non-bailable and there is no “undo” for it once your wife slaps it on you and your family. There are hundreds of such victims and horror stories in India. A simple
Google search on the matter will reveal the shocking truth. Please read more
about it at

10.2) Dowry Prohibition Act

You are an educated, hard-working, modern man who does not believe in the traditional practices of dowry. Good for you! But let’s say that at your wedding, your wife’s family (through their own free will), decides to gift you a watch, flat, car, electronics, clothes, furniture, and/or any form of “Shagun”. Fair enough, it’s a gift that they gave you to show their love and affection. But then one day, you get a legal notice saying that your wife has complained that you and your parents are dowry-seeking demons who forced her and her family to give you those very items as dowry! For extra effect, she might also add a few crores worth of other imaginary items allegedly given to you as dowry. The law will blindly believe her and ask you to pay back immediately. Though you are completely innocent, it will take you approximately 7 years in court to prove your innocence. Everything that they give you (even forcibly)  will be falsely termed as dowry demanded by you.

10.3) IPC 406

One fine day when you come back from work, you realize that she is gone and has taken all her jewelry and other expensive items from your house (including the ones you/your parents gave her). But then, you find out that YOU are slapped with section 406 for criminal breach of trust on misappropriation of "Istreedhan".
(Anything and everything given to a woman at marriage can be counted as Istreedhan). Then some days later, your wife can come to your house accompanied by the Police to reclaim her items. Whatever she lays her finger on,

A Warning For Indian Bachelors

the Police will believe it to be hers and take it away from your house – like coolies. You will not be able to do anything to stop this legal dacoity.

If you yourself happen to be arrested under section 406, then you will not be able to get bail as this offence is non-bailable. Most husbands victimized by the misuse of this law spend at least 1 month in jail on average for NO fault of theirs.
It is almost too easy for a woman to get you and your family pronounced as criminals - even though she is the burglar herself.

Istreedhan is a traditional practice that was primarily meant to provide women with some level of economic security in adverse situations like divorce, widowhood, etc. Among Hindus, it is interpreted in various ways; in general, Istreedhan is defined as that portion of a woman’s wealth over which she alone has the power to sell, gift, mortgage, lease or exchange—whole or in parts.
Usually, Istreedhan is passed from mother to daughter, unless the woman decides otherwise. Any dues from her can also be recovered from her Istreedhan.

Besides ornaments and trousseau given at marriage, Istreedhan also includes all the gifts of money, property, jewelry etc. received by the woman before, during and after marriage from her family, her husband’s family, friends and even strangers. It includes property inherited by the woman from her family or husband’s family; property received by her under a compromise, adverse
possession or in lieu of maintenance; property obtained in partition; and property bought using proceeds from Istreedhan. However, gifts to the husband by the woman or her relatives will not be part of her Istreedhan. In the case of a working woman, the law under Section 14 of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 enumerates that the property acquired by means of a woman’s earnings, during her maidenhood as well as widowhood, is her Istreedhan.

10.4) DV Act

Even if you, or any of your family members, make a light-hearted remark to her that she does not like, she can go ahead and slap a DV (Domestic Violence) case on you. According to the Indian legal system, she does not need any proof to slap a DV case on you. Then she will misuse the DV law to obtain a Protection Order/Residence Order to throw you and your parents out of your own house. She will be able to continue living in YOUR house (possibly with her boyfriend).
In addition, she can make YOU pay her a handsome monthly maintenance to live luxuriously while you are out on the streets grinding your teeth.

She can conveniently use any definition of “abuse” to frame you as an abuser in front of the Police or the Judge. For instance, even name calling is punishable under DV law! She will get away with fabricating all kinds of ridiculous stories against you (e.g. you have been physically hurting, scaring, and harassing her), and YOU will have to prove your innocence. Furthermore, she can do all of the above to your parents and family members as well. This DV act is NOT for protecting males. Even if your wife or mother in-law slaps/beats you, you cannot do anything. As you can  imagine, such a woman can threaten you into Istreedhan

A Warning For Indian Bachelors

living like a dog in your own house. Unfortunately, this is quickly becoming the reality of most modern Indian marriages. Simply search on the internet for the DV law and you will be shocked to find out how prevalent it is.

10.5) Maintenance for wife under CrPC 125 / HMA 24 / Sec 22 DV

She can ask you for maintenance under ALL these sections and as per recent judgments; you will have to maintain her at the same living standards that she was accustomed to before marriage or after marriage, whichever is higher. If your wife is the greedy type, she may also ask to increase her maintenance
amount in case you get a salary hike even after years of separation! People have even been asked to sell their kidneys to pay maintenance amounts or else go to jail.

10.6) Alimony

She will ask for the sky when it comes to Alimony. Since she will project herself as an "abla naari" in the eyes of the court, she is very likely to get what she asks for. The demand of Alimony starts from a few crores these day for those living in metropolitan cities. For those living in smaller cities, it roughly starts from 1 crore and finally depends on your ability to negotiate with your wife and in-laws. You can decide for yourself which category you fall into and what amount you might have to shell out in future. NRI’s are an easy target for extortion through alimony and maintenance.

10.7) Adultery

Adultery is voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than the lawful spouse. If you find out that your wife is adulterous, you cannot file for divorce JUST on that basis. For example, even if you found out that your wife had a one-night stand yesterday, the court will say that “she WAS living in adultery” but she IS your wife NOW whom you HAVE TO support and maintain. This is the case even if you catch your wife red-handed. The most you will be able to do is to file a case of Adultery on her paramour (your wife will be immune to any legal prosecution under the Indian legal system). So, two men will  fight while she will move on to someone else. However, you, being a man, don’t enjoy any such privileges. Heavens forbid, if YOU make the mistake of having an extramarital affair, she will cause all hell to break loose on you. She can file for divorce, seek alimony and maintenance. You will lose your kids - if any, your marriage, social standing, money and other assets.

10.8) Child custody and visitation

If you have been blessed with children, then be ready to be separated from them. Indian family courts are very biased and if the child is young, in most of the cases, custody will be given to mothers. You will simply be turned into a giver of monthly cheques with small “Chitrahaar” types weekly visitation rights.
Remember, there is nothing more exciting in this world, than having a child that is yours, and nothing more tragic than having him forced to be a stranger to you.

A Warning For Indian Bachelors

10.9) Upcoming gender-biased laws

Salary to wife

The Union Ministry of Women and Child Development is currently drafting a new law that will make it mandatory for a husband to pay a definite amount from his monthly income to his wife. According to this law, it does not matter whether she has a job or not, whether you yourself help out with household chores or not, or whether you spend lavishly on her anyway. You, as the husband will be required to pay her a “salary”, but you will not have any right to judge her performance.

While taking marriage ‘pheras’ you are basically signing on a 50% transfer deed of all your assets (but not your liabilities) to the girl. She can easily file for Divorce under new IrBM and you will not even have right to oppose her case. This will be a new gift from the Indian government to all wives. It does not matter how long it took and how difficult it was for you to build those assets, it does not matter how long you have been married, it does not matter if the assets were built before marriage. What matters is that if she wants what you have, she will get at least half of it. Not only that, she can similarly continue to fool other men and snatch halves of their assets as well. As with other gender-biased Indian laws, you, the husband, cannot demand a single paisa from her irrespective of her wealth.

Picture this: After years of hard work, you buy a nice and comfortable house for your family. You are paying monthly installments to the bank for next 15 years to truly own your house. Now, you get married to your dream girl and for some reason, the very next week she decides to walk out of the marriage. Well, in
doing so, she walks out with a legal right to 50% of the total value of your house. However, she will have 0% responsibility towards the bank payments that will be coming out of YOUR pocket for the next 15 years. This ridiculous law has not been passed yet, but it very well might have by the time you read this. Find out
more at

IrBM (Irretrievable breakdown of marriage)

Have a happy and safe married life.