Download Free English Version Book :- A Warning for INDIAN Bachelors

We create awareness among citizens; About Corruption,injustice,harassment, Gender biased laws,elder abuse and human rights.

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हिन्दी संस्करण किताब डाउनलोड करें: - भारतीय स्नातक के लिए एक चेतावनी

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Some Interesting Stats On Arrests Of Women In 1930, the British govt arrested 17,000 women for their involvement in the Dandi Yatra (Salt March). During 1937 to 1947 (10 Years), they arrested 5,000 women involved in the freedom struggle. From 2004 to 2006, the govt of India arrested 90,000 women of all ages under 498A. On the average, 27,000 women per year are being arrested under this flawed law. These are stats from the NCRB.

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Tuesday, 15 January 2013

No Maintenance To WIFE By Husband

Government come to aid of women as post filling of 498A most of the wife's are repenting for filling false cases on husbands as few are ending up in brothel, few are deserted, few end up in mental asylum, few are used and thrown out of the house after live-in-relationship.

Fighting for Justice by following Rules laid down by Human Right's Fundamental Right's .... etc

No Maintenance To WIFE By Husband Government Comes To Rescue Of 498A Wife....

Now a days it has become very common in Indian Society more and more wife's are filling false cases of Section 498A IPC on their Husbands to settle scores on instigation of (few greedy*) advocates who also along with 498A Wife's Family pressure for filling false cases as filling false cases has become bread and butter of most of the people.


IPC 498A has been termed as "Legal Terrorism" by Honorable Supreme Court of INDIA.

No Maintenance to Wife 

Government come to aid of women as post filling of 498A most of the wife's are repenting for filling false cases on husbands as few are ending up in brothel, few are deserted, few end up in mental asylum, few are used and thrown out of the house after live-in-relationship.

  • Its true that such laws like 498A were created to safeguard women but it is grossly miss-used it has become extortion tool.
  • False 498A is mostly filled on upper & middle class / decent & innocent families you will not find a case on auto wala's 498A is a used as extortion tool to take out money.
  • Wife who does not want to stay with husband she only files 498A in criminal court, if wife want's to come back they can file RCR, etc in civil court. 
  • Most of the legal advisers of wife side will always suggest them to use criminal court like 498A though this is a family matter first they should approach the Civil Court for family matters.
  • Civil court is utilized as a last resort only when they fail in filling false cases in criminal court they even go the extend that husband will be forced to sell their body parts. see this below link for evidence.  .
  • There is need for awareness on civil & criminal court as in criminal court mostly its in hands of police and police has larger responsibilities in catching criminals they should not be involved in family matters it should be settled by a team of psychologist, mediators, social activist in civil courts.  


  • Government of INDIA has launched the below scheme for 498A wife's.....


Government of India

Ministry of Women & Child Development

Swadhar – A scheme for Women in Difficult Circumstances


As amended September 25,2002

A. Introduction
Although Indian family as a social institution is well known for the emotional and physical support that it provides to its extended members, many a time it fails to respond to the needs of women, specially for women in difficult circumstance like widows, destitute and deserted women, women ex -prisoners,
victims of sexual abuse and crimes, including those trafficked and rescued from brothels, migrant or refugee women who have been rendered homeless due to natural calamities like flood, cyclone, earthquake, mentally challenged women, women victims of terrorist violence etc. Often the support of immediate or extended family are not available due to reasons ranging from economic instability of the family to provide such support to the breakdown of joint family system to the social bias against the marginalized women as also the attitude and value attached to such women. Sometimes society itself drives such women out of the system to lead lives of sub human existence. More often vulnerable women in distress end up as beggars or prostitutes for their own survival and at times for survivals and maintenance of their dependent children.
Very limited State intervention available through old age home, short stay home, Nari Niketan etc, cover only a fringe of the problems of such women. Therefore a scheme known as ‘Swadhar’ has been
designed with a more flexible and innovative approach to cater to the requirement of various types of
women in distress in diverse situations under different conditions. The Swadhar Scheme purports to
address the specific vulnerability of each of group of women in difficult circumstances through a
Home-based holistic and integrated approach.
B. Objective
The following shall be the objectives of the scheme:
i) To provide primary need of shelter, food, clothing and care to the marginalized
women/girls living in difficult circumstances who are without any social and economic
ii) To provide emotional support and counseling to such women;
iii) To rehabilitate them socially and economically through education, awareness, skill up
gradation and personality development through behavioral training etc.;
iv) To arrange for specific clinical, legal and other support for women/girls in need of those
intervention by linking and networking with other organizations in both Govt. & Non-
Govt. sector on case to case basis;
v) To provide for help line or other facilities to such women in distress; and
vi) To provide such other services as will be required for the support and rehabilitation to
such women in distress.
C. Target Group/Beneficiarie
The following shall be the target group beneficiaries of the scheme
(i) Widows deserted by their families and relatives and left uncared near
religious places where they are victims of exploitation;
(ii) Women prisoners released from jail and without family support
(iii) Women survivors of natural disaster who have been rendered homeless
and are without any social and economic support;
(iv) Trafficked women/girls rescued or runaway from brothels or other places or
women/girl victims of sexual crimes who are disowned by family or who do not
want to go back to respective family for various reasons;
(v) Women victims of terrorist/extremist violence who are without any family
support and without any economic means for survival;
(vi) Mentally challenged women (except for the psychotic categories who
require care in specialized environment in mental hospitals) who are
without any support of family or relatives.
(vii) Women with HIV/AIDS deserted by their family or women who have lost their
husband due to HIV/AIDS and are without social/economic support; or
(viii) similarly placed women in difficult circumstances.
D. Implementing Agencies
The implementing agencies can be the Social Welfare/ Women and Child Welfare Department of
State Government, Women’s Development Corporations, Urban Local Bodies, reputed Public/Private
Trust or Voluntary Organistions who are willing to take up the responsibility of rehabilitating such
women. The organization must have adequate experience and expertise of taking up such works of
E. Eligibility Conditions
The implementing organizations must fulfill the following eligibility conditions:
a) The organisation should be registered under law and must have a properly
constituted Managing Body with its powers, duties and responsibilities clearly
defined and laid down in its Constitution;
b) The organization must not work for the profit of any individual or body of
c) It should ordinarily have three years experience after its registration.
d) Its financial position should be sound;
e) It should have facilities, resources, experience and personnel to initiate the
scheme for which assistance is sought.
F. Components of the Scheme
F. The scheme shall have the following main components:
a) Assistance for construction of buildings for the Centre
b) Rent for the shelter
c) Assistance for the management of the Centre.
d) Provision for food, shelter and clothing for the women and their children below
the age of 18 years
e) Counselling for the women in difficult circumstances
f) Clinical, legal and other support for women in difficult circumstances who are in
need of that intervention.
g) Training for the economic rehabilitation of such women
h) Help line facilities for such women
The implementing agencies may seek assistance for all the components as mentioned above
under the scheme. However, assistance can be sought for a few components also provided that the
other facilities are available and holistic care is provided by the organisation to the women in difficult
Wherever necessary and feasible, each Centre shall be expected to aim at the convergence of
the benefits of separate schemes of DWCD and other Ministries/Departments regarding education,
training, health, awareness generation, self-employment etc, which are not specifically provided for in the
G. Pattern of Assistance
Government shall grant following types of assistance to the implementing organizations for the
development of the Centres:
(i) Assistance for purchase of land
Land should be provided free of cost by implementing agencies.
(ii) Assistance for construction of building
Government shall grant assistance for construction of rooms/cottages/ huts for the shelter of the
inmates and common facilities like kitchen, bathroom, training hall, recreation room, office room
etc and infrastructure facilities like water, electricity, approach road, boundary wall etc. 75% of
the cost of such constructions subject to a maximum ceiling of Rs. 25,000 per inmate i.e., Rs. 25
lakhs for a Centre for 100 women shall be permissible. The balance amount for construction
shall be paid by the implementing agencies. An agreement shall be signed with the NGO to the
effect that the building shall not be used for any purpose other than rehabilitation of women in
difficult circumstances.
(iii) Assistance for rented accommodation
In the first year of the project, 100% assistance towards rent, subject to a ceiling of Rs. 50,000/-
p.m. for a centre for 200 women, and correspondingly for other centers, may be provided in order
to enable the implementing agencies to begin implementation of the scheme quickly, while
bringing up resources to construct the building or for continuing on rent. However, from the
second year onwards 75% assistance, subject to a ceiling of Rs.37,500/- for a centre for 200
women, and correspondingly for other centres, shall be provided. Reasonability of the rent
should be certified by the DM/State PWD.
(iv) Administration and Management
The exact quantum of staff to be sanctioned in each project shall be decided on a case-tocase
basis. Indicative complement of staff, which can be sanctioned, is provided in the standard
modules as provided in Annexure VI. The following shall be the types of staff and their salary that
can be sanctioned. The salary structure of the staff shall be reviewed every ten years.
Salary Per month Annual
Resident Superintendent 6,000 72,000
Asstt. Superintendent 5,000 60,000
Medical Doctor (part time) 3,000 36,000
Counselor –(Full time) 6,000 72,000
Counselor –(Part time) 2,000 24,000
Trained Nurse (Full time) 4000 48,000
Clerk (Typing, Accounting and Store Keeping) 4000 48,000
Chowkidar/Peon 3000 36,000
In addition, services of a lawyer may be obtained on contract basis.
(v) Other Recurring expenditure
a) The following recurring expenditure of the centre shall be sanctioned:
i) Office Contingencies @ Rs 5 per inmate per month
ii) Medical expenses @ Rs 25 per month per inmate subject to actual
iii) Food of Residents @ Rs.500 per inmate per month
iv) Training for rehabilitation – as per norms of Women’s Economic Programme (WEP)
v) Pocket Money @ of Rs.50 per inmate per month for those women who are not
engaged in any economic activity.
b) Upper ceiling for annual non-rental recurring expenditure per inmate for the 3 types of
modules will be 9000 for a center for 200 inmates, 10,000/- for a center for 100 inmates
and 13,000/- for a center of 50 inmates out of which not less than Rs.6,000/- should be
spent on food alone.
c) No escalation on this ceiling will be allowed during 10th Plan period and any excess
expenditure should be met by the implementing agency from its own resource.
d) For children, grant shall be given @ 2/3 of the expenditure applicable to women.
(vi) Other Non recurring expenditure
Assistance for furniture, beds, bedding, utensils, machines and other items of
permanent use @ Rs 2,000 per inmate
Recreation & Development activities@ Rs 200 per inmate
These grants shall be sanctioned once in five years subject to actual
(vii) Help Line for Women in Distress
The lease charges and bills for toll free phone shall be reimbursed by the DWCD. Other assistance
to be provided on a 100% reimbursement basis are detailed in Module VII.
H. Project proposal
The project proposals under the scheme shall be received in prescribed format (Annexure –I)
through the State Govts/UT Admns. The State Govt/UT Administration shall submit its Appraisal Report
and recommendations as per the format prescribed (Annexure-II). The Utilisation Certificate and Progress
Report shall be submitted in formats prescribed in Annexure III and IV. A few suggestive models for the
preparation of project proposals have been indicated in Annexure V. These are only illustrative. The
implementing organizations may submit other innovative proposals according to the specific needs of the
women in difficult circumstances as defined to achieve the objectives of the scheme.
The project proposal complete in all aspects as mentioned above shall be submitted to Joint
Secretary, Women Development Bureau, Department of Women & Child Development, Shastri
Bhavan, New Delhi-110001 through Registered Post/Speed Post.
I. Sanctioning of the Scheme
Each proposal shall be sanctioned by a Project Sanctioning Committee comprising of the following
a. Secretary, Women and Child Development Department (Chairperson)
b. Financial Adviser, Ministry of Human Resource Development (DWCD)
c. Secretary in charge of Women and Child Development of the concerned State
d. Joint Secretary of the concerned bureau in the Department (Convener).
J. Procedure for Sanction
i) Grants for the construction of the building shall be sanctioned on production of the following
a) Layout, architectural and structural plan of the building approved by the local authority.
b) Detailed estimate of construction duly verified by the District Superintending Engineer/
Civil Engineer.
c) Any other document that the Sanctioning Committee may deem fit.
d) Proof of ownership of land
e) Land documents
f) Non encumbrance certificate of the land.
(ii) Grant for construction of the buildings shall be released in three installments, 50% before the
construction is started, 40% when the civil construction is completed and remaining 10% after the
construction is over. Recurring grant for other expenses shall be released in two bi-annual installments.
Each installment of grant shall be released only on production of Utilization Certificate in respect of the
previous installment duly certified by the Chartered Accountant along with photographic documents in
support of physical progress of construction.
K. Monitoring of the Scheme :
(i) Monitoring at District Level
The functioning of the Swadhar Centres where residential facility for the inmates shall be
monitored by a District Level Committee comprising of the following:
a. District Magistrate (Chairperson)
b. District Superintendent of Police
c. President/Secretary/Executive Head of the Implementing Organisation
d. Lady Principal of College/Head Mistress of Girls School.
e. One senior lady doctor to be nominated by Chief Medical Officer
f. General Manager District Industries Centre
g. One socially active woman of the area to be nominated by the D.M
h. Women representative of Panchayat/urban local bodies.
i. District Welfare Officer (Convener)
The Committee shall meet at least twice in a year to:
a) To monitor and review the functioning of the Centre;
b) To suggest steps for sustainable rehabilitation of the inmates and to review
these measures;
c) To review the steps for the safety of the inmates;
d) To review the facilities available to the inmates;
e) To encourage community participation in these efforts; and
f) To provide linkages with other schemes of the Government.
The Committee shall submit a report of its proceedings to Secretary (Social
Welfare/Women & Child Development) within 15 days of the meetings.
(ii) Monitoring at the State Level
The Secretary in-charge of Social Welfare/Women & Child Development Department in the
State Government/UT Admn. shall be the chairperson of the State Level Monitoring Committee for
Swadhar Scheme. The other members of the committee would be nominated by the Secretary.
The Committee at the State Level shall meet at least once a year and monitor the project.
(iii) Monitoring at the Central Level
DWCD shall also review the functioning of the Centre once in a year.
Other Swadhar centers without residential facility shall be got monitored and evaluated by the DWCD in
such a manner as it may deem fit.
L. Evaluation of the Scheme
The project shall be reviewed every 2nd year.
M. Review of the Project
The sanctioned project shall be reviewed after 2 years of implementation. Further continuation of
the projects will be decided on the basis of the review.
N. Operational Manual
The duration of the stay of the inmates shall not normally exceed three years. The Department of Women
and Child Development shall prepare Operational Manual of the scheme where this and other details
regarding the management of the centers shall be outlined.
O. Conditions of Grants
(i) The grant approved will be paid in two to three instalments, the first instalment being
normally released with the sanction of the Project and the second and subsequent instalment will be
released when the organisation has spent the previous instalment along with its own proportionate share
of cost. Requests for release of these instalments will be accompanied by a certificate from a Chartered
Accountant or a Government Auditor indicating the total expenditure incurred on the project. In case of
the project implemented by the State Government/UT Administration or its agencies the second and
subsequent instalments of the grant may be released on receipt of the requisite certificate duly signed by
an officer of the State Government or Union Territory, as the case may be.
(ii) The building will be constructed in accordance with the plan approved by the
Government of India while sanctioning the grant. No change in the plan can be made
without the prior approval of the Department of Women & Child Development,
Government of India.
(iii) The rates of construction to be adopted in the detailed structural/financial estimates
shall not be in excess of the schedule of rates of the PWD of the State concerned and a
certificate to that effect shall be furnished by the Head of the State PWD or his nominee
concerned. The Scrutiny Charges/Centage Fee levied by State PWD/CPWD would be
qualifiable for grant -in-aid under the scheme subject to overall ceiling.
(iv) A certificate shall be furnished at the time of the application that a site for the
construction of the building has been acquired by the voluntary organisation/institution
concerned. Necessary ownership record to this effect shall be furnished along with the
application. No grant shall be sanctioned unless a site has already been acquired.
(v) The building shall be completed as soon as possible and in any case not later than
18 months from the date of release of first instalment of the grant.
(vi) After the completion of the building the organisation shall furnish to the Central
Government copies of the following documents:
(a) A certificate from State PWD/CPWD/housing Board to the effect that the building
has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and estimates; and
(b) A Statement of Expenditure incurred on the construction of building duly audited
by the authorised auditors.
(vii) Any unspent portion of the grant shall be refunded to the Government of India at once.
(viii) The head of the organisation shall ensure that the building is thrown open to inspection
by the officer of the State PWD or of the CPWD or any other officers designated for the
purpose by the Central or State Government both during the period of construction as
well as after the construction is completed. It shall be the duty of the head of the
orgnisation to carry out any instruction which may be issued in this behalf by the Central
Government or the State Government as the case may be.
(ix) The voluntary organisation will furnish to the Department of Women & Child
Development, Government of India. Quarterly Progress Report along with photographic
documents of the construction work and other expenditure incurred and such reports
shall continue to be furnished on a continuing basis till assistance is received from the
Government of India.
(x) The accounts of the shelter shall be maintained properly and separately and
submitted as and when required. They shall always be open to check by an officer of the
Central or State Government deputed for the purpose. The account shall be open to a
test check by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India at his discretion.
(xi) The voluntary organisation/institution shall maintain record of all assets acquired
wholly or substantially out of Government Grant. Such assets shall not be disposed of
encumbered or utilised for purposes other than those for which grant was given without
prior sanction of the Government of India Should the organisation/institution cease to
exist at any time such properties shall revert to the Government of India.
(xii) The head of the voluntary organisation/institution shall execute an agreement bond in
the approved form securing to the Government of India a prior lien on the building for the
recovery of the amount paid as grant in the event of the building ceasing to be applied for
the purpose for which the grant was given.
(xiii) If the Department require clarification of any point not contained in the Application the
institution/organisation shall supply it within the time specified by the Department failing
which the Application will not be considered.
(xiv) The organisation will prominently display on the Shelter Home with the name of the
"Swadhar" the endorsement "Assisted by the Government of India, Department of
Women & Child Development".
Scheme of Swadhar
Note: 1. The application should be routed through the State Gove rnment concerned or the Officer
authorised by the State Government concerned.
2. Parts A & B should be completed by the applicant Organisation, Part C by the
Inspecting Officer and Part D by the State Government.
1. Name and full postal address of the
head-office of the organisation:
Pin Code:
2. Telephone No. with STD code:
3. Fax No.
4. Do the bye-laws of the NGO permit it
to receive Govt. grants and implement
women's programme in the proposed
project area?
5. Objectives of the Organisation:
6. Brief History of the Organisation:
(in one paragraph)
7. Whether registered under Indian
Societies Registration Act (Act XXI of
1860)/Trust Act. If so, give the number
and date of registration:
8. Whether the organisation is of all India
Character: If yes, give the address of its
Branches in different States including the
State Branch, which will run the Shelter
With Phone No., Fax No. etc.
9. Whether oranisation is located in its own/
rented building:
10. Major activities of the organisation in the Last 3 years:
Name of activity Coverage Expenditure
Men Women Children
11. Summary of financial status of the organisation in the last 3 years ( lakhs)
Year Income & Exp.
Receipt & Payment
Surplus Deficit
12. Details of grant received from Central Govt./State Govt. and other Govt. agencies in the last 3
years : (Rs. in lakhs)
Sanction Order No. Date Amount Scheme Address of funding
13. Details of Foreign Contribution received during last 3 years:
Country Organisation Purpose Amount
14. Details of office bearers of the organisation:
Name &
Age Post Qualification Profession Annual
15. Details of employees of the Organisation:
Name &
Age Part
Qualification Post Annual
16. Details of Managing Committee membe rs of the organisation
Name & Address Male/
Age Qualification Profession Monthly
1. Full address of the proposed location of the Shelter:
Pin Code:
Telephone No. with STD code;
2. Whether the location is a District H.Q., Block HQ, Tehsil HQ or village:
3. Accommodation available for the Shelter:
No. of rooms Total Area (Sq. feet)
Recreation Hall
Open Space
Training Hall
4. Is it rent-free accommodation:
5. In not, proposed rent of the accommodation (attach copy of rent deed).
6. Classification of proposed beneficiaries:
Type of Problem No. of women (proposed Beneficiaries)
Trafficked women/girls rescued or runaway
from brothels.
Widows deserted by their families in religious
places etc.
Women rendered homeless due to natural
Women victims of terrorist violence
Mentally challenged women
Women with HIV/AIDS
7. Whether a shelter Home is proposed to be constructed and if so, whether/and is owned by the
organisat ion. (attach copy of membership record of land, and approved design and estimate of
Date: Signature of Secretary/President
Of the organisation
1. Registration certificate.
2. Constitution of the organisation/Bye-laws and Memorandum of Association.
3. Constitution of the Board of Management with brief particulars of each member.
4. Annual Report for the last 3 years.
5. Audited accounts for the last 3 years.
6. Details of women/girls proposed to be accommodated in the Shelter including their name
and address, age and case history in not less than one paragraph for each person.
7. Ownership record of land
8. Approved building plan and estimate of construction
9. Rent deed for rented accommodation.
(Enclosed Guidelines may be referred to very carefully before Pre-sanction Appraisal.
The pre-sanction appraisal should be by the State Government concerned are the officer
designated by the State Government )
1. Name, Designation and full :
Address of the Inspecting Officer
2. Date and time of visit :
3. Name and Full postal address of NGO :
4. Is a name board prominently :
Displayed by the NGO?
5. Have you inspected the original :
Registration Certificate of the
NGO and is it satisfactory?
6. Are any managing Committee :
Members related to each other?
If yes, names of members and their
7. Are the office bearers of the NGO :
associated with any other NGO?
If yes, names of the NGO(s)
8. Does the NGO have staff as mentioned :
In the application form? If not, please
Indicate the shortfall
9. Are copies of the audited accounts :
submitted by the NGO true copies
Of the original?
10. What is the present bank balance :
Of the NGO.
11. Whether credit entries are available :
In the passbook for various income
Of the NGO mentioned in the audited
Accounts? If yes, what amount has
been credited in the passbook for the
Following income?
Year Year Year
a) Donations:
c) Sale of goods:
d) Income from
e) Grants:
f) Loans from
12. Do you have reason to doubt :
that the entries in the Audited
Accounts are not genuine?
Please elaborate
13. Name the activities taken up by :
the NGO for which evidence was
14. Is there any ongoing activity of the :
NGO? If yes, please visit some of
and report on performance:
15. Name the activities included in the :
Audited accounts and annual report
for which no evidence was available
16. Name the assets included in the Balance :
Sheet but not available for physical
17. Are the local people aware of the NGO :
and its activities?
18. What is the opinion of local people :
About the NGO?
19. Have you come across any instance of :
mis-utilisation of funds or complaint
involving the NGO? If yes, please give
20. In your opinion, is the NGO capable :
of implementing the project applied
for? Please give reasons
21. In your opinion, is there genuine :
need for the project in the proposed
project area? Please give reasons
22. as the NGO furnished details of beneficiaries proposed to be covered? If yes, please visit a few of
them and furnish the following information:
Name of Beneficiary Whether genuinely in need of assistance under
the project
23. Any other information about the NGO
I have read the guidelines for pre-sanction appraisal. This report does not contain any mis- representation
of facts.
1. Name and full address of the Organisation:
2. Name of scheme for which application is made:
3. Name and designation of the officer who
Inspected the Organisation:
4. Do you agree with the report of the Inspecting
Officer and if not, reasons thereof:
5. Does the Organisation fulfill all eligibility criteria
for grants under the scheme?
6. Will the State Government recover sanctioned grants
in the event of mis-utilisation of funds?
7. Is the Organisation capable of implementing
the project applied for?
8. Is there any complaint of mis-utilisation of funds
or other irregularities by the organisation?
9. What is the justification for the project applied for?
10. Is the proposal recommended for sanction of grants?
I have verified the account of …………………………………………. (Name of grantee organisation) in
respect of the grant of Rs. ………………………………………………… released by the Government of
India, Department of Women & Child Development vide sanction
No………………………………………….dated…………………………… for the Shelter for the period
………………………………………………… with the help of the vouchers and certify that they are correct
and that an amount of Rs. …………………………………………….has been utilised upto
……………………..for the purpose for which it was sanctioned.
Annexure - III
Guidelines for Chartered Accountants/Government Auditors
The Auditors certifying the accounts and endorsing Utilisation Certificate in respect of Government
grants should bear in mind the following points:
(a) If the number of inmates in Shelter is below/or above the prescribed norms, the expenditure on their
maintenance will vary accordingly at the prescribed rate.
(b) Non-recurring expenditure will be sanctioned only once for a shelter.
(c) In case a particular post has been lying vacant for specified period the salaries against that should
not be claimed.
(d) Accounts are to be sent in original signed by the Chartered Accountant in the forms of Income &
Expenditure, Receipts & Payment & Balance Sheet including the Utilisation Certificate in the prescribed
(e) The Accounts for grants for Shelter should be prepared separately. If this is not possible, the
expenditure towards this scheme should be shown separately under the Head 'Shelter' . The
expenditure incurred for the admissible items should be reflected clearly under each sub-head
incorporated in the schematic pattern.
Annexure - IV
Detailed operational manual for the Homes is being prepared. Till then, the following
guidelines/instructions shall be followed by the implementing agencies:
1. On the arrival of the case it will be registered in the admission register with details such as
name, address, age, details of children (if any), problem in short, and referred by whom.
2. Each case will have a separate file with a complete case record, addresses of
relatives, referral letters, and any other letters pertaining to the court case, police etc.
Assistance provided which would include a record of follow-up/shelter visits and meetings
held in connection with the case with various authorities should also be entered in the
case file. These case-files should be kept up to date and open for inspection to any
officer of Government of India/State Government at any time.
3. A medical check-up of every resident will be done within 3 days of her admission,
including the blood test for VDRL and report of these tests maintained in the case file.
4. The case file will have a plan of action for the rehabilitation of the beneficiaries and
their children (if accompanying the beneficiary) and the steps taken for their rehabilitation
by the concerned official/NGO.
5. Any time the resident leaves the Shelter or goes on leave to visit her
parents/guardian/relatives, an application is to be obtained from the resident & placed in
the case file.
6. A follow-up of the beneficiaries will be done for at least 3-4 months after their
7. In case of beneficiaries not being referred in writing by any agency, a FIR is to be
lodged with the nearest Police Station and the copy of the FIR placed in the case file
8. A register of the Shelter/Neighbourhood Committee is to be maintained giving details
of members, and recording minutes of each meeting held.
9. NGO will make efforts to coordinate with the various governmental and NGOs
working in the allied field for providing rehabilitation to the beneficiaries and vice-versa.
10. A separate case register is to be maintained for the children of beneficiaries, which will
reflect the services provided to them including the expenditure incurred on these
11. A record of medical expenses incurred for the residents will be maintained separately
in a register.
12. A record of the non-recurring items purchased from govt. grants is to be maintained
separately and each item to be marked for identification.
13. The half yearly progress report along with details of cases is to be sent in the
prescribed proforma for the period April to September and October to March within one
month, after the expiry of the period. All columns in the progress report and case details
should be properly filled in and no column should be left blank.
14. Audited statement of accounts of each financial year are to be submitted within three
months of the closure of each financial year in the form of receipt and payment, income
and expenditure and the balance sheet, along with the utilisation certificate in the
prescribed format, duly signed by the Chartered Accountant, IN ORIGINAL, to the
Government of India.
15. Details of staff, with their qualifications, date of joining and leaving (if they have left
during the given financial year) emoluments paid to each person, should be sent along
with the audited statement of accounts.
FROM ------------------ TO ---------------
1. Name of the Institution :
2. Address & Location of the Shelter :
with telephone NO.
3. Month wise position of residents :
Children: from 0-12 years :
Month No. of Residents In
previous Month
New Admission Discharged Total
Women Children Women Children Women Children
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2. Special Services provided to
Residents (give No.)
i) Vocational training i.e.
Tailoring, typing, etc., (specify
Different trades & give No. of
Participants in each trade :
ii) Counselling including legal
iii) Any other - specify :
Women/Girls rehabilitated :
(give No. under each head)
1. Employment - a) Service :
b) Self Employment :
2. Restored to parents :
a) Reconciled with husband/in-laws :
b) Marriage :
c) Other (specify) :
3. Recreation activities for
Residents - i) - Women :
ii) - Children :
4. No. of visits made by the :
Doctor with date
5. Formation of Neighbourhood :
i) Names of Members
(along with designation)
ii) No. of meeting held :
iii) Dates of meetings : Names of participants
a) a)
b) b)
6. Visit of officials : Date of visit, name and
(State Govt./Central Govt./ designation of visiting other (specify)
7. Rehabilitation/Assistance provided to :
8. Recurring/non-recurring expenditure incurred during he period.
- Recurring Items (Salary) Expenditure
Resident Superintendent
Assistant Superintendent
Medical Doctor (Part - Time)
Lawyer (Part Time)
Counsellor (Full Time)
Counsellor (Part-time)
Trained Nurse
Clerk (Typing, Accounting and Store keeper)
B. Other Recurring items Expenditure
Office Contingencies
Medical Expenses
Food of Residents
Pocket Money
Total : (A + B)
C. Non- Recurring items of Shelter Expenditure
Grant Total (A+B+C)
9. Grant received from Parent :
organisation/Govt. of India.
10. Progressive expenditure upto :
the end of the Period.
Signature of Signature of
Suptd.-cum-Warden Oraniser/incharge of the shelter
Annexure VI
A. Non recurring Expenditure (Maximum admissible)
i) Construction of Centre Rs. 50,00,000
ii) Rent for building Rs. 50,000 p.m
for the first year and Rs.37,500/- from
second year onwards
iii) Other Non recurring expenditure (fixed)
Assistance for furniture, beds etc Rs. 4,00,000
Recreation & Development activities Rs. 40,000
B. Recurring Expenditure
i) Administration and management
Salary Per month Annual
Resident Superintendent Rs.6,000 72,000
Asstt. Superintendent Rs.5,000 60,000
Medical Doctor (part time) Rs.3,000 36,000
Counselor –(Full time) Rs.6,000 72,000
Counselor –(Part time) Rs.2,000 24,000
Trained Nurse (Full time) Rs.4,000 48,000
Clerk (Typing, Accounting and Store Keeper) Rs.4,000 48,000
Chowkidar/Peon 4 Rs.12,000 1,44,,000
Total Rs.42,000 5,04,000
In addition, services of a lawyer may be obtained on contract basis.
(ii) Other Recurring expenditure
Office Contingencies Rs.12,000
Medical expenses Rs.60,000
Food of Residents Rs.12,00,000
Pocket Money Rs.1,20,000
Total Rs.13,92,000
Note: i) Grant for other recurring expenditure for children below 14 years shall be fixed at 2/3rd of
A. Non recurring Expenditure
i) Construction of Centre – Rs.25,00,000
Rent for Building Rs.25,000 p.m.
for first year and Rs.18,750 p.m.
from second year onwards.
ii) Other Non recurring expenditure
Assistance for furniture, beds etc Rs.2,00,000
Recreation & Development activities Rs. 20,000
In addition, services of a lawyer may be obtained on contract basis.
(ii) Other Recurring expenditure
Office Contingencies Rs. 6,000
Medical expenses Rs.30,000
Food of Residents Rs.6,00,000
Pocket Money Rs. 60,000
Total Rs.6,96,000
Note: Grant for other recurring expenditure for children below 14 years shall be fixed 2/3rd of the amount.
A. Non-Recurring Expenditure:
i) Construction of Centre Rs.12,50,000
ii) Rent for Building Rs. 12,500 P.M
and Rs.9,375 p.m from second year onwards
iii) Other Non recurring Expenditure
Assistance for furniture, beds etc Rs.1,00,000
Recreation & Development activities Rs.10,000
B. Recurring Expenditure
i) Administration and management
Salary Per month Annual
Resident Superintendent Rs.6,000 72,000
Medical Doctor (part time) Rs.3,000 36,000
Counselor –(Full time) Rs.6,000 72,000
Trained Nurse (Full time) Rs.4,000 48,000
Clerk (Typing, Accounting and Store Keeper) Rs.4,000 48,000
Chowkidar/Peon 2 Rs.6,000 72,000
Total Rs.29,000 3,48,000
B. Recurring Expenditure
i) Administration and management
Salary Per month Annual
Resident Superintendent Rs.6,000 72,000
Medical Doctor (part time) Rs.3,000 36,000
Counselor –(Full time) Rs.6,000 72,000
Clerk (Typing, Accounting and Store Keeper) Rs.4,000 48,000
Chowkidar/Peon 2 Rs.6,000 72,000
Total Rs.25,000 3,00,000
In addition, services of a lawyer may be obtained on contract basis.
Other Recurring expenditure
Office Contingencies Rs.3,000
Medical expenses Rs.15,000
Food of Residents Rs.3,00,000
Pocket Money Rs.30,000
Total Rs.3,48,000
Note: Grant for r recurring expenditure for children below 14 years shall be fixed at 2/3rd of the amount.
These may follow the schematic norms of family counseling Centres, with such modifications as be
necessary, as per the specific projects, to be decided by the Project Sanctioning Com mittee
The schematic norm to be followed in specific projects may be decided by the Project Sanctioning
Committee in Consultation with Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
These may follow the schematic norms of Women’s Economic Programme (NORAD), with such
modifications as be necessary, as per the specific projects, to be decided by the Project Sanctioning
Note: Upper ceiling for annual non-rental recurring expenditure per inmate for the 3 types of modules will
be 9000 for a center for 200 inmates, 10,000/- for a center for 100 inmates and 13,000/- for a center of 50
inmates out of which not less than Rs.6,000/- should be spent on food alone.
(i) Annual lease charges and bills of the toll free phones shall be reimbursed upto Upper
ceiling of Rs.28,000
(ii) Initial expenses for starting the Help Line Rs 10,000
(iii) Rental for the premises @ Rs 1000 p.m
(iv) Stationary : Rs 1000 p.a
(v) Salary of the staff
3 Operators 1 in each shift of 8 hours
Rs 5,000x3x12 Rs. 1,80,000

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